Pieter Rambags has always been a consultant, fulfilling roles ranging from technical BI developer, information analyst and project leader to program manager and business developer. Content wise, he advises companies on topics like designing a BI strategy, BI and Big Data architectures, information and data modelling, and data management and governance. In 2002 he started Nippur, with offices in Oirschot and Zetten and employing 28 mid-level and senior BI consultants. In 2008 he co-founded Qosqo, that focuses on creating software to automate the implementation of various BI architectures. He loves chasing innovation and setting up co-creation projects with clients and partners. He teaches regularly at universities of applied science.
“Longer sessions created room for more depth and dialogue. That is what I appreciate about this summit.”
“Inspiring summit with excellent speakers, covering the topics well and from different angles. Organization and venue: very good!”
“Inspiring and well-organized conference. Present-day topics with many practical guidelines, best practices and do's and don'ts regarding information architecture such as big data, data lakes, data virtualisation and a logical data warehouse.”
“A fun event and you learn a lot!”
“As a BI Consultant I feel inspired to recommend this conference to everyone looking for practical tools to implement a long term BI Customer Service.”
“Very good, as usual!”